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I Tre Merli Ristorante porto antico

Restaurant in Genoa
From simple outside it's hard to imagine the chic and modern atmosphere. The high ceilings give you a feeling of open loft with large windows and good lighting. Stylish lighting arrangement is also nice.

Restaurant in Genoa
Elegant table setting: It's designed like a wine storage warehouse, this is a style of this restaurant.

Restaurant in Genoa
One of the staffs who make a wonderful serve, Mr. Christian.

Restaurant in Genoa
The appetizer of chickpeas farinata (7 euros, Plain type) and cheese focaccia "Recco" (8 euros). "Recco" is a sandwich of focaccia with the fresh cheese of Recco area in Liguria. In this restaurant there are various types of Recco Focaccia.

Restaurant in Genoa
Genoa and Liguria's famous pasta, trofie al pesto. This short twisted Ligurian pasta is called Trofie, and often eaten with Genovese Paste. Its creamy texture of glutinous match well to this basil sauce. This dish is very popular in Liguria but the on of this restaurant has a particularly refined taste.

Restaurant in Genoa
Trenette with red shrimp and fresh sardine (14 euros). One of their specializes of seafood menu, this is so delicious! The big shrimps and fresh sardines make an excellent combination!! The source from shrimps is also tasty.

Restaurant in Genoa
Genoa-style ravioli in meat sauce (12 euros). Ravioli of spinach and ricotta cheese with the sauce of meat called Tocco. Since it has a strong taste, the red wine must be a good partner.

Restaurant in Genoa
Semi Freddo of cream with strawberry sauce. Semi Freddo is a mild cold dessert of ice cream.

Restaurant in Genoa
Lemon sorbet. It might be able to help to digest your full stomach.

Restaurant in Genoa
Here you can see them cooking focaccia. Focaccia bread is very common in Liguria region.

Taste 4.5 stars It has a refined atmosphere and is located in front of the Porto Antico, one of the best touristic points. You can be satisfied with both their dishes and service. Since the aquarium is near, there are also families with small children. The price is reasonable and the balance of quality and price is great. It's opened also on Sundays.
Mood 4.5 stars
Price 3stars
Total 4.5 stars

Stylish atmosphere with traditional and modern style

The interior design is like the columns of facade of the Cathedral of St. Lorenzo, black and white banding pattern. It's particular of the port town. Some stones on the walls look like a wine storage warehouse. From the window you can see also cruisers and yachts, so even if being inside, you can fell open airy atmosphere, too. Each table is decorated with flowers on a white tablecloth. It's enough elegant and sophisticated to enjoy a leisurely meal at the same time.

Here you can eat "What you want to eat in Genoa"!

This restaurant is located truly best position to tourists, so they know well what kind of cuisine tourists would like to try. Their specialties are seafood dishes and traditional cooking of Genoa. Just around the corner of this restaurant there's a fish market of Genoa where they make a purchase, so you can taste very fresh ingredients. Every dish has traditional but refined and elegant style. There are also delicious meat dishes, but I recommend you fish!! In addition, if you like wine, please enjoy their plenty line up of wine.

All of staffs support sophisticated and comfort dinner time

Many staffs can speak some languages, The menu is written in Italian and dialect of Genoa, in English, French. There are also descriptions to explain clearly materials to make it easy to image what kind of cooking. In addition to the quality of the cuisine, the professional staff's service gives you a good impression.

Flexible and versatile

If you ask, you can order some assorted dishes from the menu, flexibly. When you would like to taste specialties of this land during your short stay, it's a good system because you can have many kinds of foods in small portion.

from ITALY
We recommend "I Tre Merli"!

There are many kinds of people like adult couples, honeymoon couples, families with small children, a group of women, etc.. It's a fairly decent restaurant, if you want you can also dress up. There is a wine bar so you can also enjoy more chic atmosphere. It's opened also on Sundays, but sometimes it may be reserved for a private dinner party or bridal event. If you want to go there especially on weekends and holidays, it's better to check in advance.


Menu (There is English Menu, June 2009)
Table charge 3.50 euros/person
Composizione di mozzarella di bufala e gamberi con terrina di pomodoro e vinagrette al basilico 14 euros, Calamari alla piastra con crema di cannellini e parmigiano 14 euros, Zuppetta di cozze al pomodoro fresco e crostini 12 euros, Insalata tiepida di stocafisso con fave fresche acciughe e capperi 14 euros, Falde di polpo su finocchi e pomodori secchi con vinagrette al ginger 14 euros, Battuta di vitello al forno a legna 14 euros
Primi piatti
Spaghettini con gamberetti rossi, acciughe fresche e paglia di bietole 14 euros, Mandilli caserecci al Kamut con totanetti e taccole 14 euros, Trofiette al nero di seppia al fumetto di pesce cappone e bottarga di tonno 16 euros, Trenette di pesce alle vongole veraci e zafferano 14 euros, Trenette al pesto con patate e fagiolini 12 euros, Panzerotti di magro in salsa elicata di noci 12 euros, Ravioli alla genovese col sugo di carne 12 euros
Secondi piatti
Mein dishes
Ricciola nostrana al forno con funghi porcini e patate 24 euros, Frittura mista di pesce, totani e gamberetti 20 euros, Dorso di orata in guazzetto ai frutti di mare 18 euros, Grigliata di gamberoni in mantello di cocco e marmellata di fichi piccante 22 euros, Misto di pesce crudo e tiepido con tartare di tonno su pesto di zucchine 24 euros, Stoccafisso accomodato in umido alla Mario 16 euros, Filetto di manzo alla brace, spinaci con uvetta e saute' di patate 22 euros, Sella di coniglio al bacon con lamelle di mandorle caramellate 16 euros
Specialita' dal forno a legno
Grilled specialties
Antica farinata di ceci alla Genovese (from 2persons) 7 euros/person, Focaccia di Reco col formaggio 8 euros, Focaccia col formaggio pizzata con olivette taggiasche e capperi 9 euros, Focaccia col formaggio pizzata con gorgonzola dolce 9 euros, Focaccia col formaggio al lardo di Colonnata 10 euros, Misto di torte di verdura alla Genovese 9 euros

Name i tre merli al porto antico
Address porto antico-palazzina millo Genova-Italy
How to reach From Piazza De Ferrari, walk straight towards the sea side through the street of San Lorenzo on the side of the Cathedral of St. Lorenzo, you'll arrive at the Porto Antico (Old Port). The restaurant is located on the first floor of the building in front of the lift BIGO. On the sign, there is a trademark of three black birds (thrushes). The subway station is San Giorgio (Aquarium), and it takes 30 seconds by walk.
Close Dinne of 25 Dicember
Opening Monday-Sunday: 12:30-15:00, 19:30-23:00
Budget 30 euros / person (excluding drink)
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